Electronics for Beginners Kit

Electronics for Beginners Cover Photo

We are not currently selling the Electronics for Beginners Kit. However, below is a list of parts which should get you all the way through the book, as well as suggested places to purchase them. This assumes some amount of reuse of parts such as breadboards, battery clips, and power modules between projects. If you want to keep multiple projects around, for instance, you will need to purchase multiple breadboards and power modules.

If no quantity is listed, you can get away with buying 1. If a quantity is listed as “probably”, then you can get away with 1, but you will have to reuse it between projects. If it is listed as “optional” that means it is described in the book but not used in any full project.

I’ve listed the product pages for the Chinese company BangGood for most of these (identified as BG), and will add other suppliers as I have time, or if the component isn’t available there.

Additional note – I have not purchased/tested all of the products below individually, so I cannot guarantee them. Electronics components for the hobbyist seem to come and go quickly, and I usually purchase my own stash off of eBay, which is forever changing links. However, to the best I can tell, these components match what is in the book. If you run into any components that don’t work for the book, or if any links get broken, please let us know so we can update the page.

Project Basics

These are needed for almost every project. You might start by just purchasing these, and then purchase the other ones as you reach the need for them in the chapters.

  • Large breadboard (BG – includes 1 wire pack)
  • Small breadboard (BG – includes 1 wire pack)
  • 9V wire battery clip (Amazon)
  • ywRobot 5V Power Module (Amazon – includes 9V barrel clip)
  • 9V barrel battery cip (use link with ywRobot power module above)
  • Multi-value resistor pack (BG)
  • Extra 1k resistor pack (BG)
  • Wire pack (suggest purchase of at least 2) (BG)
  • LED pack (BG)
  • Button pack (Amazon)
  • Switch pack (BG)

Specific Project Needs

  • Zener diode pack (optional) (BG)
  • Diode kit (can use LEDs in place of diodes for all book projects) (BG)
  • 7805 voltage regulator (BG voltage regulator kit)
  • Heat sink (optional) (BG)
  • LM393 (probably 3) (in IC kit from BG)
  • NE555 (probably 2) (in IC kit listed for LM393)
  • GL5528 (probably 3) (10 in this kit from BG)
  • CD4081 (probably 2) (in CMOS kit from Amazon)
  • CD4071 (probably 2) (see CMOS kit above)
  • Arduino (Amazon)
  • Electrolytic capacitor kit (BG)
  • Ceramic disc capacitor kit (BG)
  • Inductor kit (optional) (BG)
  • headphone jacks (2 required, probably 4) (8 pieces from Amazon)
  • 150 ohm potentiometer (probably 2) (potentiometer kit from BG)
  • DC Motor (Amazon)
  • Transistors (BG)
  • N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET pack (BG)
