Category Archives: Book Announcements

Introducing Calculus from the Ground Up

BP Learning is pleased to announce our most recent title – Calculus from the Ground Up!

This innovative approach to calculus can be used within both classroom and self-learning environments, and in both high school and early college. The book retails for $34.95.

Book Description

Calculus is one of humanity’s greatest achievements. With calculus, you can analyze the infinitely large, the infinitely small, and everything in-between. Calculus gives you the tools to develop your own mathematics, your own formulas, and, most importantly, your own imagination. Calculus is not just a subject. It is an invitation to think differently about the way that the world works.

Calculus has a reputation for being a dry, dreary, difficult subject. However, the problem generally lies with tedious, lifeless books that present calculus with all the vigor of a wilted salad. Calculus was not discovered as a series of dull proofs about the real number line. It was discovered by curious people who took the time to look at the world in a new way.

Calculus from the Ground Up invites readers to not just read about mathematics but to become active participants–making numbers and symbols the servants of their minds as they grow their imaginations in ways they didn’t think possible.

Calculus from the Ground Up isn’t your typical mathematics book. It is a guidebook for students to learn not only the bare subject of calculus, but also to discover how its artistry impacts other areas of life. Calculus from the Ground Up includes sections on how to solve impossible problems, how to break problems into manageable sizes, how to develop new mathematical formulas, and even how to live a more ethical life, all through lessons gained from calculus.

A Solution Guide ($24.95) is also available.

Fossil Forensics is Currently Amazon’s #1 New Release in Paleontology

We are proud to announce that our recent title, Fossil Forensics: Separating Fact from Fantasy in Paleontology is currently Amazon’s #1 New Release in Paleontology! Have you ever wondered what is real and what is hype regarding the various fossil finds described in the media? This book has your answers.

You can currently purchase the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Get New Programmers Start Here with an Amazon Discount Code

It’s Prime day! You can buy New Programmers Start Here or any other book from Bartlett Publishing today for $5.00 off of the everyday price at Click on the link below and enter in the discount code of PRIMEBOOKS17 during checkout to receive your discount!

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Preview Edition of Calculus for Everyone Available

BP Learning’s Calculus book (tentatively titled “Calculus for Everyone”) is currently available as a preview edition. If you are wanting to check out our upcoming Calculus book in its present form (it is far from finished, with sections and chapters missing), you can check it out at the link below:

Calculus for Everyone

It is priced at cost so you can give feedback. If you teach Calculus to more than 20 students per year, email us at and we will send you one for free.

The goal of this book is to focus on the concepts and intuitions behind Calculus, rather than formally proving every stage. No limits, few theorems, just a step-by-step walkthrough of what Calculus is, why it works, and how to use it.

I have had many people tell me after taking Calculus (sometimes many years of it) that they never really understood what Calculus was even about. This book, rather than focusing on the arcane minutiae, focuses on the core principles of Calculus and how to apply it.

Speaking at Tulsa Techfest on Building Scalable Web Applications

If anyone is in Tulsa, I will be speaking at Tulsa Techfest on Friday, August 5th on my book, Building Scalable Web Applications Using the Cloud. Come and watch!

Building Scalable Web Applications is Amazon’s #1 Hot New Release

At least for now, Building Scalable Web Applications Using the Cloud hit the #1 spot on Amazon’s “Hot New Releases” list for books on PHP. If you haven’t picked up your copy, you should order it today!